Rogue Blight cover
Rogue Blight screenshot
Genre: -

Rogue Blight

Patch 53

  • Balance: Dash speed slightly increased and duration.
  • Balance: Zokers beard elemental resistance increased from 50% to 70% and duration from 2sec to 3.5sec.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed spawning issues with Zues Loves You, Fairy Meteor.
  • Bug Fix: Hit shield sound events are now played correctly. This sound is used on variety of shields that deal damage, Ice shield, Earth shield and more.
  • Bug Fix: Changes to the graphics settings are now saved correctly.
  • Bug Fix: Gameplay settings menu now supports controller.
  • Optimization: Reduced number of graphics settings. The graphics settings also now affect how much blood, fog and other particles spawn.
  • Optimization: Blessings that spawn projectiles now are performance optimized.
  • Optimization: Blood particles now are performance optimized.
  • Optimization: Footsteps now are performance optimized.
  • Optimization: On Hit effect is not performance optimized.
  • Optimization: Damage pop ups are now performance optimized.
  • Visual: Map NPC has new conversation text.
  • Visual: Added floating skull in main hub, as NPC for the stats/leaderboard and talking option to it.
  • Other: Game settings are no longer saved in steam cloud.
  • Other: Updated Credits.

Patch 52

  • New Blessing: Icicles.
  • New Blessing: Blood Knives.
  • New Blessing: Dark Pulse.
  • Blessing Modified: Blood Rage - Whenever you crit, gain 25% extra damage for 2 sec.
  • Blessing Modified: Zoker's Beard - After you use any skill, gain 50% elemental damage reduction for 2 sec.
  • Blessings: Removed "One Hand Master" and "Dual Wield Master" blessings from the game.
  • Blessing Balance: Energy Drain damage as mana increased from 30% to 40%.
  • Bug Fix: Removed lag spike when spawning and destroying projectiles very fast. (e.g: throwing ice daggers at enemy point blank.)
  • Bug Fix: Tutorial enemies health bars.
  • Bug Fix: The blessings that summon projectiles now will correctly apply upgraded status effects.
  • Bug Fix: Screenshakes should be now reset correctly after the fight is done.
  • Bug Fix: Leaderboard icons now update correctly.
  • Bug Fix: Skeleton turn around animation speed increased, this should prevent the turn around forever bug from happening.
  • Balance: If you take 0 damage from enemy but still take poise damage, you will now get stunned.
  • Balance: Gorilla health reduced by 100.
  • Balance: Statue Dweller health reduced by 150.
  • Balance: Gorilla earth explosion are now more spaced out.
  • Balance: Both goblin mage staff attack now deals physical damage.
  • Balance: Holy Grenade damage increased 11-12 to 13-14, apply light struck increased from 30% to 35%.
  • Balance: Statue dweller charge attack is now unparryable.
  • Visual: When greed weapon adds gold to player, a number pops up on screen with how much gold is received e.g "5g".
  • Visual: "New" text now appears on the bag if any new items were received.
  • New Achievement: A bone to poke.
  • Other: Joystick drift improvement. Minimum value of 0.23 required to move with analog now.

Patch 51.1

Bug Fix: Lag spikes during jumping and loading screen fixed.
Bug Fix: Light Struck now progresses achievement correctly.
New Achievement: Shield Master.

Patch 51

New Feature: Added ability to hover over the blessing/curses during the map section to see what they do.
New Feature: Fist skill added "Heavy Punch".
New Feature: Added 50 new steam achievements.
New "?": Greed Weapons.
Bug Fix: Enemy will no longer get stuck in turn around animation (this time).
Bug Fix: Mimic will now damage player if they are close to it as it swings its tongue.
Bug Fix: If loaded into combat from the main menu and press Start and Resume with the controller, then whenever you jump the button press sound will play.
Bug Fix: If a player does not wear any weapons and is in the map, his default animation will be combat animation.
Bug Fix: Undead Goblin Mage staff attack now applies darkness correctly.
Balance: Increased fist damage by 1.
Visual: Added new button prompt images for keyboard/mouse and controller.
Visual: New wooden sword texture and icon.
Visual: No longer showing blessing icons below unless blessing has cooldown.
Visual: Blessings that are active are now lit up in the blessing list below players health.
Visual: Changed torch fire effect in main hub.
Visual: Goblin warrior now opens his mouth when they ambush you.
Visual: Corrected some sprite layering on goblin warrior.
Visual: Corrected "perish" text spelling in dummy cutscene.
Visual: Corrected "Emit" spelling on the Wind Gust blessing.
Visual: Potion seller background items updated.
Visual: New darkness status effect icon.
Sound: Bunch of footstep sound small tweaks.

Patch 50

  • New Blessing: Blood Rage.
  • New Blessing: Healing Magic.
  • Blessing Balance: Zoker's beard changed to: "Whenever you are above 50% health. all elemental damage +20%."
  • Blessing Balance: Energy drain mana restore increased from 25% to 30%.
  • Blessing Balance: Skill speed increase blessing increased from 25% to 30%.
  • New Starting Blessings: Small Health Boost, Small Mana Boost, Small Stamina Boost, Jack of all Trades, Broken Sword, Training Shield, Re-Roll, Grindstone, Cup of Coffee, Feather, Potion Belt, Scholars Notes, Fungi Obsession, Old Watch, Ancient Stone, Lucky Coin.
  • Balance: Shop no longer sells armor/shield or more then 2 weapons that you already own.
  • Balance: Captain Coders attribute increase blessings now give 6 instead of 5.
  • Balance: Collider on statue dwellers ground fire slightly reduced.
  • Balance: Statue Dweller turn around animation slightly sped up.
  • Balance: Ice wand attack damage increased from 12-13 to 13-14.
  • Balance: Ice wand skill mana reduced from 18 to 16.
  • Balance: Shoot with weapon skill animation push back reduced from 1.2 to 0.8. This affects many weapons such as Lightning sword, earth sword, light sword, death wand and others.
  • Balance: "Small Stats Boost" was renamed to "Small Overall Boost" and changed back to 7% instead o 8%.
  • Balance: Weapon slots unlock upgrade reduced from 10 to 5.
  • Balance: Starting Blessing upgrade Tier 1 cost reduced from 30 to 20.
  • Balance: Bonfire upgrade tier 1 cost increased from 15 to 20.
  • Balance: Modified "?" random chest drops for minor blessings.
  • Bug Fix: Certain enemy attacks now will do correct damage based on their difficulty.
  • Bug Fix: You will no longer be able to get enemies stuck in an infinite turn around state.
  • Bug Fix: If you kill multiple enemies (e.g Goblin Ambush), they won't drop duplicate gear/shields or more then 2 weapons you already own.
  • Bug Fix: Gorilla no longer slides forward when starting certain attacks.
  • Bug Fix: Holy grenade will no longer trigger during cutscenes.
  • Bug Fix: Burn/Shock/Life Splash/Choke/Darkness/Bleed damage is no longer affected by difficulty.
  • Bug Fix: Water wand attack and skill projectiles no longer pierce through other projectiles.
  • Bug Fix: Discount blessing now is correctly removed.
  • Bug Fix: Berserk blessing now does what it says, before it was still increasing your and enemy damage by 25% instead of 20%.
  • Bug Fix: Health and mana potion potency now is reset correctly after every fight.
  • Bug Fix: Fungi obsession no longer gives fungi if you do not fight the enemy.
  • Visual: Moved Starting blessing upgrade higher in upgrade menu.
  • Visual: Bonfire light now lights up the weapon on the left hand correctly.
  • Visual: Added praying animation when in statue stats blessing cutscene.
  • Visual: Improved the fire particle on torch in main menu.
  • Visual: Re-worded voodoo doll blessing a little.
  • Visual: Strength is now spelled correctly on attribute upgrade menu.
  • Visual: Berserk blessing no longer has a particle effect on player or enemy.
  • Visual: Endurance blessing no longer has a particle effect on the player.
  • Visual: Zoker's beard now has a visual indicator.
  • Visual: Flesh Statue armor set improved coverage on the player player.
  • Visual: Starting Blessings are now named Minor Blessing.
  • Visual: Changed wording on Increase Crit Damage blessing. It does the same thing as before.
  • Sound: Turned off ambiance sound on all weapons except torch.
  • Sound Fix: Wind shield skill now plays damage sound again.
  • Sound Fix: Bleed shield skill now plays damage sound again.

Patch 49.1

Balance: Shields that you already own will no longer drop from enemies.
Balance: If you already own 2 of the same weapon they won't drop from enemies.
Balance: Aghast range slightly increased.
Bug Fix: Elemental blessing should not trigger anymore at start of "?" cutscene.
Bug Fix: Fiery meteor projectile now explodes when it hits ground.
Bug Fix: If you restored 0 health or mana, no longer showing text box pop up.
Bug Fix: If died to a normal enemy the boss upgrades will no longer trigger under specific conditions.
Bug Fix: Aghast now works on bosses again.
Bug Fix: Berserk blessing is now removed correctly when starting a new map. Possibly fixed that issue on other enemy status effects.
Bug Fix: When statue dweller is parried on swings, the explosion should not trigger after parry was executed. The flame will not go on the floor unless the explosion is closer to the floor.
Bug Fix: If you find gear that you already own you will get duplicates. The duplicates just don't drop from enemies.
Sound Fix: Aggro sound no longer plays when entering cutscene of Fungi Goblin Mage or Sleeping Goblin Warrior.
Sound: Chest mimic jump scare sound.
Sound: Goblin warrior shield got hit while defending new sound.
Sound: Goblin warrior shield charge new damage sound.
Sound: Lowered forest footstep sounds.
Sound: Created 2D blends for insufficient mana, berserk skill (wooden weapons), defender skill (paladin shield).

Patch 49

  • New Blessing: Fiery Meteor.
  • New Blessing: Poison Breath.
  • New Blessing: Execute.
  • New Blessing: Holy Grenade.
  • New Cosmetic: Statue Armor.
  • New Cosmetic: Statue Flesh Armor.
  • New Feature: Added skip button when leveling up, so it shows you all your unlocks straight away.
  • Balance: Armors will no longer drop from monsters that you already own.
  • Balance: Bosses now have status resistance. Gorilla is 10% status resistant, and Statue Dweller 20%.
  • Balance: Gorilla poise increased from 0 to 5 poise and elemental resistance from 0 to 2.
  • Balance: Statue dweller poise increased from 0 to 8 and elemental resistance from 0 to 5.
  • Balance: Statue dweller now attacks 3% faster.
  • Balance: Statue dweller blue fire stays longer on ground by 1.5 sec.
  • Balance: Statue dweller yellow fire stays longer on ground by 3.5 sec.
  • Balance: Blue swing explosion damage reduced from 16-17 to 14-15.
  • Balance: Yellow swing explosion damage reduced from 19-20 to 16-17.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton poison cloud fill up poison is 33% slower.
  • Balance: Piercing wand skill mana cost increased from 8 to 15.
  • Balance: Strike wand skill mana cost increased from 7 to 14.
  • Balance: Now enemy speed increases for difficulty caps at 125% instead of 100%.
  • Balance: Now enemy size increases caps at 10% instead of 15%.
  • Balance: At difficulty 90+ zeus will hate you.
  • Bug Fix: Player now runs smoothly when selected map node as player was about to stop from auto walking.
  • Bug Fix: Gorilla now stops destroying projectiles on the left side when stomping.
  • Bug Fix: Goblin warrior plays correct sound when he notices you.
  • Bug Fix: Players footstep will no longer trigger randomly while the player is standing still.
  • Bug Fix: In tutorial if not using Combat Mouse Direction feature, the text telling you that it's based on mouse direction no longer appears.
  • Visual: When the enemy is defeated, the camera location and UI will automatically modify based on the player's position. It will no longer show black edges of level.
  • Visual: Added normal maps in the main hub area.
  • Visual: Corrected mask layer on player right hand. It no longer masks over foot armor.
  • Visual: Corrected light issues on Thebee shop items and fungi sack forest skeleton.
  • Visual: Goblin warrior sleeping now has closed eyes.
  • Visual: Text slightly changed on fungi goblin cutscene.
  • Visual: Text animation added to text boxes.
  • Visual: Fixed camera cuts in main hub cutscenes.

Patch 48

  • New Feature: Now you can view map during combat and most cutscenes.
  • New Damage Type: Added new damage type called "Magical". This damage type now is used on wands that used to have physical damage. Magical damage is affected by elemental damage increase.
  • New Blessing: Blood Magic.
  • New Blessing: Armor of Thorns.
  • New Blessing: Eye for Eye.
  • New Blessing: Energy Drain.
  • Balance: Statue dweller now leave fire trails on ground after certain attacks. Swing attacks now explode in phase 1.
  • Balance: Aghast Blessing now has an 8 second cooldown.
  • Balance: The upgrades that used to trigger only on the final boss, now they trigger on any boss.
  • Balance: Increase Crit Damage blessing reduced from 65% to 60%.
  • Balance: Water weapons were rebalanced so it's harder to apply life splash, but they deal more damage.
  • Bug Fix: Skill mana cost when checked before using skill now takes into account your INT and skill mana reduction buffs.
  • Bug Fix: Dash cooldown is now shown correctly on UI.
  • Bug Fix: All ui skills cooldowns will now update correctly if pressed skill exactly as cooldown ends.
  • Bug Fix: Screen shakes are now reset correctly after the fight ends.
  • Bug Fix: Few blessings were not showing up in the show now they will.
  • Bug Fix: Corrected skill speed blessing spelling.
  • Bug Fix: Sound is playing on staff cast 2 undead goblin mage correctly now.
  • Bug Fix: Weapon lights no longer glitch out.
  • Bug Fix: Berserk particle effect on enemies now is destroyed correctly after you don't fight an enemy. (e.g leaving mimic, paying goblin ambush)
  • Bug Fix: Potion UI is now updated correctly on bottom left if gained new potions.
  • Bug Fix: Character no longer goes bald when they walk in front of Durco Tan Cap.
  • Bug Fix: Player no longer flies in air when they get hit while shield stunned.
  • Bug Fix: Spider/Statue Dweller/Dummy now can be targeted with water wand skill correctly.
  • Modified: Gold/Fungi/Potions icon placement improved during cutscenes.
  • Modified: Corrected placing of "This is just the beginning" text at completion of the map for the first time.
  • Modified: Can pause the game in the combat shop now.

Patch 47.2

  • Balance: Gold Obsession gold reduced from 20% to 15%.
  • Bug Fix: Player no longer resumes last action when entering combat zone.

Patch 47.1

Bug Fix: Gold Obsession now works correctly again.