Modified: Curse idol last option changed from "Leave but pay 20gold" to "Buy Blessing Choice for 100 gold".
Modified: Updated leaderboard menu and map menu to show future challenges instead of maps.
Modified: Healthy Appetite blessing icon changed.
Modified: Yamato katana renamed to bleed katana.
Bug Fix: Starting Blessing Upgrade 3 no longer allows re-rolls on weapons.
Bug Fix: Fist damage buffs are now reset correctly.
Bug Fix: Re-roll on blessing after final boss now no longer appears on starting weapon selection.
Bug Fix: Shop unlocked weapons and blessings are now showing based on characters level and not difficulty.
Bug Fix: Poison shield no longer destroys projectiles.
Bug Fix: Invincible shield is no longer destroyed by 0 damage attacks (such as poison cloud).
Bug Fix: Zeus Loves You no longer hits/moves enemy projectiles.
Bug Fix: Earthshaker no longer hits/moves enemy projectiles.
Bug Fix: Water wand skill projectile no longer gets stuck on frost wands skill projectile.
Sound: Heartbeat is only played when enemies know about you.
Sound: Goblin Undead Warrior voice over sound effects.
Sound: Goblin Undead Mage voice over sound effects.
Sound: Goblin Mage voice over sound effects.
Other: Added mouse direction toggle in gameplay menu.
Other: Added flashing icon when game is being saved.
Other: When the application is forced closed now it will wait until all saving is finished. Prevents some cases of corrupting save files.
Other: VSync setting is now saved correctly in video settings.
Patch 46.1
Bug Fix: Shield Recharge no longer crashes the game.
Balance: Piercing Wand Skill Damage increased from 36-37 to 38-39.
Balance: Piercing Wand Skill Mana cost reduced from 10 to 8.
Balance: Strike Wand Skill Mana cost reduced from 8 to 7.
Patch 46
New Upgrade: Added re-roll blessing choices upgrade.
New Blessing: Shield Recharge.
New Blessing: Shield Fury.
New Art: Fire shield art.
New Art: Lightning shield art.
New UI: Player Creation UI has been updated.
Bug Fix: Thebee Map Shop now auto selects the next item after purchase on the controller correctly.
Bug Fix: Pressing dash while dash is on cooldown, no longer stops player from moving.
Bug Fix: After shooting with a wand and then dashing, the player would stay still sometimes.
Bug Fix: Changed how status effects are removed and applied. This will fix the bug where you could gain the same status effect twice if you received it at the exact same frame. Hopefully it won't affect any existing status effects or blessings that apply status effects.
Balance: Statue dweller close range attacks max range reduced, and long range attacks are triggered at shorter range.
Balance: Shop Discount blessing changed from 50% to 30% and now is destroyed upon use.
Balance: Fire Shield skill cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
Improvement: In the main menu added a new menu tab "Gameplay", which has settings to toggle submitting to leaderboards.
Improvement: In the main menu added a new "Gameplay" setting, to toggle numbers pop ups on or off.
Improvement: First attack wand animation no longer is jittery.
Improvement: Guardian's Protection Blessing now has a new icon, shield master is using the previous icon of this blessing.
Improvement: Chest mimic status effect particle position improved while he is in chest form.
Improvement: Berserk blessing particles are now more transparent.
Patch 45.2
New Art: Added death shield art.
Improvement: Death shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Wind shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Bleed shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Ice shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Poison shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Earth shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Light shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Water shield particle and light added.
Improvement: Added a light on earth shield bash skill particle.
Other: Changes some of the controller detection settings, hopefully this will work now correctly with all controller configurations. New Art: Poison Shield art.
Patch 45
Other: Reverted controller changes from last patch.
Map: Map chest positions are bit more randomized
Bug Fix: When leaving the chest from "?" the chests play open animation.
Bug Fix: Bonfire upgrade is working again.
Bug Fix: Back shortcut key is no longer registered while the game is paused.
Bug Fix: Level up UI shows now correct level.
Bug Fix: When a spider is frozen as it jumps up, it no longer flies off screen.
Bug Fix: Water pulse blessing projectile no longer destroys enemy projectiles.
Balance: Statue Dweller long range attacks now can be triggered at shorter range.
Balance: Skull gorilla no longer is treated as final boss. Meaning that final boss upgrades will not trigger when you die. He will also be counted as an elite enemy in stats.
Balance: Difficulty exp bonus capped at 50%. Getting 10% bonus exp per difficulty.
Balance: Enemies now will finish turning around before executing an action. Fixes one of the bugs where if you parry statue dweller, he will always do attack same direction after parry.
Balance: Changed gold recovery description and increased it to 10 upgrades.
Balance: Statue dweller charge attack damage increased from 7-8 to 9-10
Balance: Skull gorilla no longer drops blessing choice. It drops 2 additional potion charges and 2x +1 gear. Take Reward screen after the gorilla fight is now shown correctly.
Improvement: Corrected spelling of "strength" in the upgrade menu.
Improvement: Changed the name of Stats to Attributes in upgrade menu
Improvement: Changed skull gorilla icon on map to elite monster.
Improvement: Added particle at grave site, hopefully it's easier to tell there is something of interest there.
Improvement: Just before loot drop is shown, the game is no longer saved. This prevents a lag spike at that point, but means if you don't take loot and close the app, it won't save the fight progress.
Improvement: Reduced the lag when the ice dagger skill is used point blank on the enemy.
Patch 44.2
Other: Changed some controller and keyboard mouse detection settings. Hopefully this fixes some of the xbox 360 controller issues and not break anything else.
Bug Fix: Corrected spelling of Strength on STR +5 blessing.
Bug Fix: Corrected spelling of "Leave Quietly" in skeleton ?.
Bug Fix: Gorilla's Leggings is now layered correctly.
Bug Fix: Back sound is played correctly when pressing back shortcut button on Leaderboard Menu, Upgrade Menu, Inventory Menu and Gear Menu.
Bug Fix: Jumping on grave and opening stats menu would put stats menu in wrong position.
Patch 44.1
Bug Fix: Game no longer lags when character/enemy turns.
Bug Fix: Fixed the menus disapearing when playing the game on high frame rate
Bug Fix: Level up screen now shows correctly when using controller.
Bug Fix: Fixed null error when going to map menu with controller (As far as I know didn't cause any issues before).
Patch 44
New Boss: Statue Dweller.
New Feature: Level up system. Gear and Weapons are now unlocked by leveling up the character instead by difficulty.
New Feature: Steam Leaderboard. You can check your leaderboard place in main hub next to the grave.
Map: Forest map length doubled.
New UI: Updated Map Selection UI in the main hub.
New UI: Starting Gear UI in the main hub.
New Skill: Water dagger has the new skill "Water Splash".
New Skill: Ice sword has new skill "Icicle Rain".
New Shield: Wind Shield with new skill "Wind Charge".
New Shield: Bleed Shield with new skill "Shield Throw".
New Shield: Fire Shield with new skill "Fire Fade". (Temporary Art)
New Shield: Ice Shield with new skill "Frost Spikes" (Previously used on ice sword)
New Shield: Earth Shield with new skill "Earth Bash".
New Shield: Water Shield with new skill "Water Blast". (Previously used on water dagger)
New Shield: Light Shield with new skill "Flashbang".
New Shield: Poison Shield with new skill "Poison Pulse". (Temporary Art)
New Shield: Death Shield with new skill "Death Triblast". (Temporary Art)
New Shield: Lightning Shield with new skill "Lightning Explosion". (Temporary Art)
New Art: Buckler Shield and new Shield Parry Skill Icon.
Sound: Insufficient mana sound added.
Sound: Menu light button sound added in a lot of places.
Sound: Stone footstep sound in main hub and footstep echo sound in main hub.
Sound: Potion switch sound (Empty or full potion sounds).
Sound: Water Sword, Dagger and Wand new skill cast sound.
Sound: Heartbeat now only plays when you are in combat or just before you fight an enemy.
Sound: Goblin Warrior voice sound.
Bug Fix: Status Effects are no longer shown on shield main stats.
Bug Fix: Game no longer corrupts your save file if you did not select equipment at start of map and force closed the game.
Bug Fix: When selecting blessing fast with high frame rate, the blessing UI would disappear.
Bug Fix: Pause sfx is back in the game and it pauses background sfx.
Bug Fix: If all enemies are dead, the projectile spawner will no longer spawn projectiles (such as earthshaker blessing or water pulse).
Bug Fix: All Earth weapons particle effects now look correct when wearing them on the left hand.
Balance: Drop rate of weapons reduced. Alive versions of Goblin warrior and Goblin mage drop less gear.
Balance: Light sword skill mana cost increased from 10 to 13.
Balance: Fungi Goblin "?" changed, there is no longer leave option, fungi Obsession can be gained for free, there is new option to gain random blessing for 5 fungi.
Balance: Fungi Obsession blessing now gives 3 fungi instead of 5, but it costs now 0 to gain this.
Balance: Paladin shield has new stats DEF+5 and Elemental Resistance +5.
Balance: Buckler shield has new stats DEF+5 and Poise +5.
Balance: Random loot chest "?" corrected some of the drops.
Balance: Light Dagger Skill mana cost reduced from 15 to 12 and the skill damage increased from 22-23 to 24-25.
Balance: When Voodoo Doll is activated now, the monster gives 0 exp.
Balance: Wooden Sword damage increased from 13-14 to 14-15.
Balance: Wooden Dagger damage increased from 11-12 to 12-13.
Balance: Wooden Wand damage increased from 12-13 to 13-14.
Balance: Zeus Loves you reduced Shock apply from 25% to 20%.
Balance: Fungi Obsession reduced fungi gain from 3 to 2.
Balance: Skull gorilla attack speed decreased by 5% and when his phase increased his attack speed by 15% instead of 20%.
Improvement: Removed "Foe Perished" on normal enemies.
Improvement: Fade to black between scenes is faster.
Improvement: Water Orbs now are darker blue, matching the color scheme of the weapons more.
Improvement: Corrected bunch of blessings descriptions.
Improvement: Death dagger skill now shows correct damage values.
Improvement: When goblins drink potion/eat fungi and die, the weapon is not re-enabled.
Improvement: Added blur effect when going to menus.
Other: Removed Goblin Shield and Spike Shield from the game.
Other: Save data has been cleared.
Patch 43
New Enemy: Spider.
New Art: Blessing chest.
New Art: Paladin Shield.
Bug Fix: Player projectiles no longer physically collide with mimic heads.
Bug Fix: Enemies no longer walk backward into a corner where they can't reach.
Bug Fix: Buttons disable on option selection correctly.
Balance: All Enemies now have turn around animation.
Balance: Chest mimic has a new move that makes him jump back.
Balance: Chest mimic health increased from 250 to 275.
Balance: Gorilla boss health reduced from 1700 to 1400, this should be closer to patch 41 health.
Balance: Goblin shield charge damage and poise damage reduced by 60%.
Improvement: Corrected Water Pulse blessing description.
Improvement: Forest background fog optimized, it might not look as good, but performance wise it's a big improvement.
Improvement: Now majority data is saved when the screen fully fades to black instead of just before it. Meaning that the game will no longer have lag when it's about to change scenes.
Other: Resolutions that are 16:9 and 16:10 can only be selected.