Rogue Blight cover
Rogue Blight screenshot
Genre: -

Rogue Blight

Patch 42

  • New Art: Chest.
  • New "?": Chest M.
  • New UI: Upgrade Menu.
  • New UI: Option selections.
  • New UI: Text boxes.
  • New Blessing: Water Pulse.
  • Blessing Balance: Healthy Appetite now restores 30 health and 30 mana instead of just 50 health.
  • Blessing Balance: Berserk blessing now increases enemy and player health by 25% instead of 20%.
  • Blessing Balance: Skill speed blessing now increases skill speed by 25% instead of 20%.
  • Blessing Balance: Increase crit damage now increases crit damage to 65% instead of 50%.
  • Blessing Balance: Earth Shaker earth damage decreased but it applies more shatter.
  • Blessing Balance: Zeus Loves You damage decreased but it applies more shock.
  • Balance: Enemy health goes up by 2.5% for every layer you are on the map. So the higher you are, the more health they have.
  • Balance: Frost wand damage increased from 10-12 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Lightning wand damage increased from 12-13 to 13-14.
  • Balance: Frost wand skill mana cost reduced from 22 to 18.
  • Balance: Fire wand skill mana cost reduced from 20 to 16.
  • Balance: Lightning wand skill mana cost reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Balance: Wind wand skill mana cost reduced from 18 to 16.
  • Balance: Earth wand skill mana cost reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Balance: Bleed wand attacks and skill apply bleed increased from 15% to 17%.
  • Balance: Light wand attack damage increased from 10-12 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Death wand skill mana cost reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Balance: Death wand attack damage increased from 10-12 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Poison wand skill mana cost reduced from 14 to 12.
  • Balance: Poison wand attack apply poison increased from 12% to 15%.
  • Balance: Water wand Skill Damage increased from 7-8 to 9-10 per projectile.
  • Balance: Water wand attack damage increased from 11-12 to 13-14.
  • Bug Fix: Upgrade menu buttons now always work when using the controller.
  • Bug Fix: When going to the main hub, you can no longer dash during initial animation.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed null error in the shop if you had lightning weapon + lightning ring.
  • Bug Fix: After stealing fungi from forest skeleton and then leaving quality, forest skeleton aggros player and hits him while you are in reward screen.
  • Improvement: Freezing effect improved, now it works correctly when there are multiple enemies on scene and 1 enemy gets frozen.
  • Improvement: Falling leaf color changed.
  • Improvement: Perished text improved.
  • Improvement: Map auto alignment improved for bigger map size.
  • Improvement: Map and inventory buttons selection is now pixel perfect.
  • Improvement: The text for status effects at start of combat only appear if it's important to show.
  • Improvement: Captain Coder size increased in the main hub.
  • Improvement: Removed option to ask Thebee why they had a beehive on their head.
  • Improvement: Bonfire fire particles improved.
  • Improvement: Main character face is flashing red correctly when hit.
  • Improvement: Bleed wand skill now does bleed and on hit effect.
  • Other: Rudimentary steamworks api integration.

Patch 41

  • New "?": Skeleton Steal Fungi.
  • New Art: Thebee background items.
  • New Art: Cartographer background items.
  • New Skill: Poison sword has a new skill called "Toxic Orb".
  • New Upgrade: Now you can unlock 2 potions.
  • Balance: Potion upgrade now increases potion potency only by 10 every upgrade.
  • Balance: Gold obsession gold received increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton poison cloud poison apply slowed by 40%.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton throw poison projectile cooldown increased from 5 to 11 sec.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton spit poison attack cooldown increased from 9 to 11 sec.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton charge attack telegraph time increased by 20%.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton swipe cooldown decreased from 6 to 4 sec.
  • Balance: Forest Skeleton charge attack cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds.
  • Balance: Default Health potion now restores 50 health instead of 60.
  • Balance: Default Mana potion now restores 40 mana instead of 45.
  • Balance: Frost wand weapon damage increased from 8-10 to 10-12.
  • Balance: Death wand weapon damage increased from 8-10 to 10-12.
  • Balance: Wind wand weapon damage increased from 10-11 to 10-12.
  • Balance: Light wand weapon damage increased from 9-11 to 10-12.
  • Bug Fix: Button prompts now work correctly if using the keyboard in other languages then english.
  • Bug Fix: Fungi obsession choice no longer re-fills your potion.
  • Improvement: Dagger animations improved.
  • Improvement: Goblin mage projectile range increased by 30%. So now they will always hit you if you stand still.
  • Improvement: Goblin mage and Undead Goblin Mage eyes disappear correctly when they die.
  • Improvement: New box art in the bonfire scene.
  • Improvement: Captain Coder is now a tutorial NPC.

Patch 40 (Part 2)

Balance: Forest Skeleton is 10% slower and its damage reduced on swings and charge.
Balance: Skull Gorilla is 5% slower and it's damage reduced on head butt and swings. He also has 50 less max health.
Balance: Parry dagger attack damage increased from 15-16 to 16-17.

Patch 40

  • New Difficulty System

    1. Enemy size, health and applying status effects now increase with difficulty as well.
    2. Weapons types and rings are unlocked as you complete difficulties.
    3. New starting gear is unlocked as you progress through the difficulty.
    4. New starting gear now can be equipped in the main hub.
    5. Changed the ending scene when you defeat the final boss.
    6. New map selection menu.

  • New Weapon: Strike wand.
  • New Weapon: Piercing Wand.
  • New Weapon: Water Dagger.
  • New Art: Forest Skeleton.
  • New Art: Pumpkin head helmet.
  • New Art: Target Dummy.
  • New Art: Thebee.
  • New UI: Inventory, Equipment, Loot Drop, Blessing/Curse/Loot, Shop UI.
  • New Art: Health Potion, Mana Potion, Coin and Fungi new icons.
  • Enemy Changed: Forest skeleton has new move. His swipe attacks range lowered. Poison cloud no longer deals damage when you stand in it. Poison cloud applying status strength has been modified and poison damage increased. His rest times between attacks have been lowered.
  • Balance: Light ring damage reduced from 100% to 80%.
  • Balance: Enemy slash attack damage collisions are enabled slightly earlier, so you can't jump over the slash attacks so easily.
  • Balance: Fire Dagger skill explosion is now a bit bigger and particles were visually improved. Explosion damage increased from 28-30 to 34-35.
  • Balance: Lightning sword skill damage increased from 30-35 to 39-40.
  • Balance: Reduced Gorilla health from 1850 to 1750. (The new difficulty system will increase gorilla health)
  • Balance: Water wand skill projectile speed increased by 30%.
  • Balance: Death sword and light sword gold cost reduced from 30 to 20, to match other weapons.
  • Balance: Fungi rewards go up slower every map completion and for previously completed maps. It also caps at 50 fungi.
  • Balance: Goblin warrior and goblin mage health reduced from 190 to 160.
  • Balance: Skill damage multiplier, damage reduction multiplier, main stat of the weapon, critical damage, no longer increase or decrease poise damage.
  • Balance: All different types of multipliers are now added up and then multiplied by the damage dealt, instead of multiplying each time. This means stacking different multipliers won't increase your damage as much as before.
  • Balance: Goblin Shield skill damage increased by 15%.
  • Balance: Light sword and death sword no longer give resistance to light and dark.
  • Balance: Gear no longer has resistances for each element, instead it has overall elemental resistance.
  • Bug Fix: Dashing in the poison cloud no longer prevents poison build up.
  • Bug Fix: Water wand skills should be moving always at the same speed, before they would get slower randomly.
  • Bug Fix: Zeus loves you no longer has null error when it applies shock onto an enemy.
  • Bug Fix: Yamato katana's skill now does the correct amount of damage if dual wielding or using the skill while wearing it on the left hand.
  • Bug Fix: If you equip a weapon on the left hand and you wear the same type on the right hand, the stats page in map scene will now update correctly.
  • Bug Fix: If goblin teleported, water wand skill projectiles would move much slower than it's supposed to. Because goblin mage teleported to the wrong Z position. This could have fixed some other bugs as well.
  • Bug Fix: Now water wand skill now shoots at the enemy's center position. On goblins before it would shoot at their feet.
  • Bug Fix: If you equip knight boots and unequip it. The sound of footsteps still makes chain sounds.
  • Bug Fix: If you buy something from a shop by using a mouse, it doesn't auto select the next item to purchase, unless using a controller.
  • Improvement: Added ability to scroll with controller on map.
  • Improvement: Added ability to scroll with controller in inventory menu (only if you have enough items).
  • Improvement: Automatically aligning map when clicking map button or selecting node on map with controller.
  • Improvement: Added ability to scroll with controller in the reward menu.
  • Improvement: All armors now have descriptions.
  • Improvement: Accidently named "Water Wand" weapon "Water Orb", reverted back to original name.
  • Improvement: Barbarian spelled correctly on Barbarian's blessing.
  • Improvement: Improved smash attack animation on gorilla.
  • Improvement: Improved collision boxes on all goblins and players.
  • Improvement: Teacher cutscene text changed.
  • Improvement: After defeating the final boss, the ending scene has been changed.
  • Improvement: All the gear and blessing icons resolution increased.
  • Improvement: Updated fire dagger art.
  • Improvement: Updated wooden dagger art.
  • Improvement: Updated earth dagger art.
  • Improvement: All gear and weapon/shield icons no longer have stroke, they now have shadow.
  • Improvement: All frost weapons re-named to ice.
  • Improvement: Changed "Skill Cooldown Reduction" blessing name to "Cooldown Reduction".
  • Improvement: Changed "Skill Mana Cost Reduction" blessing name to "Skill Mana Reduction".
  • Improvement: Changed "One-handed Weapon Master" blessing name to "One-handed Master"
  • Improvement: When an enemy is hit by a weapon that applies shock, there is a shock on hit particle effect.
  • Improvement: When an enemy is hit by a weapon that applies choke, there is a choke on hit particle effect.
  • Improvement: When an enemy is hit by a weapon that applies shatter, there is a shattered on hit particle effect.
  • Improvement: Tutorial now spawns fire orbs instead of green orbs for defending with shield parts.
  • Other: Save data is now encrypted. All existing save data will be lost.

Patch 39

  • New Cutscene: Teacher.
  • New Blessing: Dual Wield Master.
  • New Blessing: One-Handed Weapon Master.
  • Modified Blessing: Bleed Ring has a new effect.
  • New Art: Undead Goblin Warrior.
  • New Art: Goblin Mage.
  • New Art: Undead Goblin Mage.
  • Enemy Changed: Goblin mage now does fire attacks.
  • Enemy Changed: Undead Goblin mage now does darkness attacks. Also the moveset has been modified for the undead goblin mage.
  • Bug Fix: Healthy Appetite blessing can only be obtained once now.
  • Bug Fix: Items are now correctly dropping again. Thief's trousers and some stuff from random chest will drop correctly.
  • Bug Fix: If the enemy is parry stunned, they no longer can be short stunned during time.
  • Bug Fix: Damage increase and damage reduction now works correctly status effects damage. E.g Scholar's Blessing reduces Bleed Damage or Berserk Blessing increases Bleed damage correctly.
  • Bug Fix: Darkness is no longer affected by the enemies berserk blessing effect,
  • Balance: Darkness now deals 8% of damage instead of 7%.
  • Balance: Darkness Ring now increases darkness damage to 12% instead of 10%.
  • Balance: Goblin Warrior weapon size decreased.
  • Balance: Player will get mini stunned more often by basic attacks.
  • Balance: Damage multipliers no longer increase poise damage. (Such as berserk blessing, berserk skill etc).
  • Balance: Players hit boxes improved.
  • Balance: Wooden dagger damage reduced from 13-15 to 11-12.
  • Balance: Wooden wand damage reduced from 15-16 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Wooden Sword damage reduced from 16-18 to 13-14.
  • Balance: Iron Sword damage reduced from 20-22 to 19-20.
  • Balance: Iron Rapier damage reduced from 19-24 to 18-21.
  • Balance: Parrying dagger damage reduced from 18-19 to 15-16.
  • Balance: Barbarian blessing increases damage reduced from 25% to 20%.
  • Balance: Berserk blessing increases damage reduced from 25% to 20%.
  • Balance: Scholar's blessing reduced damage dealt by 20% instead of 25%.
  • Balance: Consecutive Attacks blessing now caps at 40% damage increase instead of 50%.
  • Improvement: Death Wand projectiles visuals improved.
  • Improvement: Fire wand projectiles are visually smaller.
  • Improvement: Anti aliasing x4 is on by default now.
  • Improvement: Now up to 8 lights can affect any object.
  • Other: Updated credits.

Patch 38

  • New Blessing: Healthy Appetite.
  • New Blessing: Earth Shaker.
  • Modified Blessing: Wind Ring was changed to: "If you apply choke on the enemy, your stamina fully recovers."
  • New Art: Goblin Warrior.
  • Enemy Balance: Goblin Warrior is slightly bigger. Goblin warrior's quick slashes attacks now has been modified to just slash 3 times instead of 5. Also timing is slower.
  • New Enemy Move Set: Undead goblin has been completely reworked. (Temporary art for undead goblin)
  • Cutscene Modified: Blessing and Curse (Red Idol) cutscene's now has different options that are more fitting.
  • Bug Fix: Berserk Blessing icon now appears correctly in the status effect icons.
  • Bug Fix: Enemies flash red again when you hit them.
  • Bug Fix: Zeus Loves You blessing no longer deals poise damage.
  • Bug Fix: Pressing Refresh Stock button on controller now auto selects button correctly.
  • Balance: After jumping or dashing, the stamina now doesn't start recovering until that action is finished.
  • Balance: Iron Rapier poise damage reduced from 17-18 to 14-15.
  • Balance: Iron Sword poise damage reduced from 17-18 to 14-15.
  • Balance: Bleed Dagger poise damage recued from 13-14 to 11-12.
  • Balance: Iron Dagger poise damage recued from 15-16 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Parry Dagger poise damage recued from 17-17 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Gorilla explody rocks are bit more spread out.
  • Balance: Poise long stun on all enemies cooldown increased from 2 to 7 seconds.
  • Balance: Iron Rapier and Iron Dagger skill speed increased by 15%.
  • Improvement: Increase critical damage blessing icon improved.
  • Improvement: Backstab blessing icon improved.
  • Improvement: Defender blessing icon improved, change the blessing name to "Guardian's Protection".
  • Improvement: Endurance blessing icon improved.
  • Improvement: Invincible Barrier blessing icon improved.
  • Improvement: Skill Cooldown Reduction Blessing icon improved.
  • Improvement: Skill Mana Cost Reduction Blessing icon improved.
  • Improvement: Consecutive Attacks icon slightly improved.
  • Improvement: Goblin warrior now bleeds red.
  • Improvement: Sleeping goblin cutscene now is using alive goblin (not undead one).
  • Other: Updated credits

Patch 37

  • New Weapon: Water Wand with skill Water Orb.
  • New Cutscene: Random loot chest.
  • New Art: Mage armor set.
  • New Blessing: Increase Crit Damage blessing is back as it's own blessing.
  • New Blessing: Barberian's Blessing.
  • New Blessing: Skill Speed Increased.
  • Modified Blessing: Earth ring now makes shatter last 10 seconds.
  • Modified Blessing: Apply status effectiveness is now named Scholar's Blessing, and it now decreases damage by 25%.
  • New Upgrade: Left and Right weapon slots are now locked behind an upgrade.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed null error when light wand skill was casted, most likely was not affecting gameplay.
  • Bug Fix: Camera no longer zooms out sporadically when going further from enemy.
  • Bug Fix: If save and quit from the game and load save again, background sound would not play.
  • Bug Fix: Water sword stats description now shows all the necessary information.
  • Bug Fix: "A" button on controller now can be re-binded correctly.
  • Bug Fix: Controller rumble is now stopped when the game is paused.
  • Bug Fix: If using a controller, the controls scheme will no longer change between scenes back to keyboard layout.
  • Bug Fix: If an enemy gets parried, the cooldown is paused on the attack, so it won't do the same move again after recovery.
  • Bug Fix: Wind wand skill projectiles damage and apply status effect are no longer affected if dual wielding wands.
  • Balance: Wind Wand Skill Apply Choke per projectile reduced from 18% to 14%. (This had to be nerfed because of the wind wand dual wielding bug)
  • Balance: Wind Wand Skill Damage per projectile reduced from 16-17 to 12-13. (This had to be nerfed because of the wind wand dual wielding bug)
  • Balance: Fighting arena level is about 10% smaller.
  • Balance: Shatter now lasts 5 seconds instead of 6.
  • Balance: Poison sword now scales based on STR instead of DEX.
  • Balance: Water sword now scales based on STR instead of DEX.
  • Balance: Health and Mana Potion Upgrade blessing effectiveness increased from 50% to 75%.
  • Balance: Wind sword skill speed increased by 15%. Skill damage increased from 28-30 to 30-32. Skill choke status apply increased from 35% to 40%.
  • Balance: Target dummy fungi option increased from 2 fungi to 4.
  • Improvement: Updated berserk blessing icon.
  • Improvement: Potion Seller now wearing new mage set gear.
  • Improvement: STR DEX and INT scaling on weapons description are now color coded.
  • Improvement: All status effects on weapon description are now color coded.
  • Improvement: Updated all on hit elemental damage pop up text colors.
  • Improvement: Shattered particle effect looks improved and has light.
  • Improvement: Visuals of freeze effect improved on enemies. (only skull gorilla looks fine as other enemies are don't have art yet)
  • Improvement: Updated Ice Ring blessing description.
  • Improvement: Updated Lightning Ring blessing description.
  • Improvement: Updated Wind Ring blessing description.
  • Improvement: Updated Darkness Ring blessing description.
  • Improvement: Updated Light Ring blessing description.
  • Improvement: Updated Bleed Ring blessing description.
  • Improvement: "Look behind you!" text is now positioned correctly when escaping from goblins.
  • Improvement: Light dagger skill explosion now casts light.
  • Improvement: Light wand skill explosion now casts light.
  • Improvement: Light sword skill explosion now casts light.
  • Improvement: Changed the text in the sleeping goblin cutscene.
  • Improvement: Improved the upgrade menus text description positioning and font size.
  • Other: Updated credits.

Patch 36.1

  • Sound: Gorilla phase 2 sounds are now modified correctly.
  • Sound: Pause button sound. Pause also stops background sounds.
  • Sound: On map there are new sounds for bonfire, chest, question mark and shop.
  • Bug Fix: Backstab blessing no longer affects most skills.

Patch 36

  • New Weapon: Water sword with skill "Water Pulse". This skill is copy of the previous ice sword skill.
  • New Skill: Ice sword has a new skill called "Ice Shield".
  • New Status Effect: Water weapons apply a new status effect called "Life Splash".
  • Blessing Changes: All status effect blessings icons and names changed to be rings (Bleed Ring, Poison Ring, Earth Ring, Light Ring, Darkness Ring, Lightning Ring, Fire Ring, Wind Ring, Ice Ring).
  • New Blessing: Water Ring.
  • New Blessing: Backstab.
  • New Art: Novice Armor set (Mage set).
  • Bug Fix: When goblin mage is in its introduction animation, the footstep sound/particle are no longer activated.
  • Bug Fix: If a goblin warrior is stunned as he raises the shield, the shield now is guaranteed to go back to its original state.
  • Bug Fix: When drinking mana potion, the particle now is following the player correctly.
  • Bug Fix: Sometimes when the player just stood still, there was footstep sound/particle effect popping up constantly.
  • Balance: All wand attack speed increased by 15%.
  • Balance: Lightning wand skill animation speed increased by 25%.
  • Balance: Earth wand skill animation speed increased by 25%.
  • Balance: Fire dagger skill animation speed increased by 30%.
  • Balance: Fire wand skill animation speed increased by 10%.
  • Balance: Earth dagger animation speed increased by 100%, but reduced the uplift speed.
  • Balance: Fire wand skill projectiles apply 5% less burn per projectile. But damage was increased on the main projectile from 16-17 to 20-21 and on smaller projectiles from 10-11 to 13-15.
  • Balance: Torch weapon skill animation speed increased by 15%.
  • Balance: Poison wand skill animation speed increased by 15%.
  • Balance: Shock stun takes less priority over choke stun.
  • Balance: Ice sword damage reduced from 14-17 to 14-16.
  • Balance: Spike shield skill damage increased from 30-32 to 32-34.
  • Balance: Poison Sword damage increased from 15-16 to 16-17.
  • Balance: Iron Dagger damage reduced from 16-17 to 15-16. (Poise balance makes it way more powerful)
  • Balance: Parry Dagger damage increased from 16-17 to 18-19.
  • Poise Balance:

    • Poise damage for all physical damage weapons has been completely re-balanced.
    • All elemental weapons and their skills no longer deal any poise damage.
    • Physical damage wands and its skills now deal poise damage.
    • Enemies poise short stun cooldown reduced from 5sec to 4sec and long stun reduced from 15sec to 2sec.
    • Poise damage is now shown in weapon selection.

  • Improvement: Fire wand light now affects the wand.
  • Improvement: Fire Dagger skill animation is now correct, if casting skill form right hand.
  • Improvement: Fire torch skill particle and collider are now attached to the weapon for the duration of the skill.
  • Improvement: Poison wand skill particle and collider are now attached to the weapon for the duration of the skill.
  • Improvement: All dust particles (footstep, dash, land) are now affected by the light. Skull gorilla footstep particle is bigger now.
  • Improvement: When drinking potions, the potion particle effect now has a light.
  • Improvement: Updated gorillas skull icon to new one if it was unlocked after finishing the demo for the first time.
  • Sound: Forest Skeleton Voice Sound.
  • Sound: Gorilla phase 2 sounds updated.

Patch 35

  • New Weapon: Bleed Wand with skill "Blood Burst".
  • New Feature: If not wearing a weapon and you attack, you will attack with fist. If not wearing both weapons, you will attack with both fists.
  • New Art: Gorilla new art!
  • New Art: Starting gear art.
  • New Art: New light wand art.
  • Balance: Starting goblins reduced health by 10.
  • Balance: Lightning dagger attack applied Shock reduced from 12% to 10%. Lightning dagger ability shock reduced from 30% to 25%.
  • Balance: Lightning wand apply shock reduced from 12% to 10%. Lightning wand damage increased from 11-12 to 12-13.
  • Balance: Lightning sword skill shock apply rescued from 30% to 25%.
  • Balance: Frost wand attack projectile freeze apply reduced from 15% to 10%.
  • Balance: Frost sword skill freeze applied reduced from 8% to 5%. Mana skill cost increased from 10 to 15.
  • Balance: Frost dagger skill freeze applied reduced from 8% to 7% (per dagger).
  • Balance: Wind wand attack applies Choke reduced from 20% to 15%. Wind wand skill apply choke (per projectile) reduced from 25% to 18%.
  • Balance: Gorillas Jump Smash attack has longer animation wind up.
  • Bug Fix: Potentially fixed arm flip on z axis bug.
  • Bug Fix: Upgrade buttons in the upgrade menu should work with the controller everytime now.
  • Bug Fix: Confirming cutscene should work with the controller correctly every time now.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed lightning strike blessing, when lightning strikes the enemy it is giving null errors in the engine.
  • Improvement: When holding Left click or A button on upgrade, it will start adding by 10s after 5 seconds.
  • Improvement: If there is a screenshake, and wearing specific gear, the mask is not covering hair correctly.
  • Improvement: Gorilla stone attacks now have red lights instead of orange.
  • Improvement: Change lighting in the map selection scene and in combat scene.
  • Improvement: Lights on all weapons modified. Also added lights on earth weapons.
  • Improvement: Change the shaders on all enemies, npc and player. This removes the death dissolve effect. But now we can use normal maps on all textures, giving it more 3d look under certain light angles.
  • Improvement: Changed the resurrected animation slightly.
  • Improvement: Light wand skill visuals slightly improved.
  • Improvement: When goblin is woken up, the animation transition now is much slower.