New Weapon: Light wand with new skill "Light pulse". New Weapon: Light dagger with new skill "Flash bomb". New Weapon: Ice dagger with new skill "Icy Daggers". New Skill: Poison dagger has the new skill "Poison Mine". Poison sword now has "Poison Backstep" skill. New Blessing: Stronger Light Struck. New Art: Rogue Armor Set art. New Art: New skull gorilla helmet art. Balance: Frost wand skill freeze reduced from 10% to 8%. Balance: Frog Leap blessing, jump height slightly increased. Balance: "Poison Backstep" skill initial explosion damage increased from 12-14 to 18-19. Balance: When using Wind Grinder skill, player is pushed back slightly after finishing the skill. Balance: All wand attack stamina cost reduced from 40 to 35. Bug Fix: Apply status effectiveness now reduced all damage instead of just physical Bug Fix: Fixed a crash that happened when save and quit through pause menu, if projectiles that die on destroy are alive during the pause Improvement: Main Menu background visuals slightly improved. Improvement: Earth sword skill now has a smoke effect when used. Improvement: Earth sword skill re-named to "fragment cannon". Improvement: Knight female trousers visuals improved. Improvement: Certain helmets will be layered correctly in relation to right arm now. Improvement: Improved wording on "Apply Status Effectiveness" blessing. Other: Updated credits.
Patch 33
Bug Fix: Darkness Damage blessing now is triggered correctly. Bug Fix: Gorillas stone attacks can no longer be defended with shields. Bug Fix: Concurrent Skill Power Exception. (This bug came back because of Crispy Crash fix) Bug Fix: Choke will now always be applied, unless the enemy is immune to stuns e.g Phase 2 transformation of gorilla. Balance: Choke now is applied immediately (before it was after 0.25sec), choke can not be applied until enemy recovered from choke stun. Balance: Lightning sword now adds +3 STR instead of +3 INT. Improvement: Added a new choke particle effect.
Patch 32: Hot Fix
Bug Fix: Status Effects no longer be applied on top of status effects.
Save data has been cleared as bunch of people got to very high difficulty using this bug. If you would like your save file recovered message me privately on discord.
Patch 32
New Upgrade: Starting dagger/wand upgrade now has been combined into 1 upgrade, with 4 upgrade levels.
New Upgrade: Stats now can be upgraded 10 times.
New Blessing: Fast Poison.
New Blessing: Bleed Damage.
New Blessing: Burn Damage.
New Blessing: Darkness Damage.
New Blessing: Choke Damage.
New Blessing: Freeze Longer.
New Blessing: Shock Longer.
New Feature: Basic player stats are now tracked and are shown in the main hub at grave site.
New Art: Added new Art for Thief Set. "Red Rogue Set" re-named to "Thief Set".
Balance: Zokers beard elemental damage increased from 10% to 15%.
Balance: Fungi Obsession drops extra 5 fungi instead of 3 after every fight.
Balance: Poison wand attack physical damage increased from 13-14 to 15-16.
Balance: Light Sword attack light damage increased from 10-12 to 12-13.
Balance: Light Sword and Death sword cutscene removed. Light sword and death sword can now drop from enemies (lower chance drop). Light sword and death sword can now appear in the shop.
Balance: Burn status effect Change from (4 damage every 0.5sec for 4.5sec) to (5 damage ever 0.5sec for 4sec)
Balance: Darkness now deals 7% of enemies current health as damage instead of 8%.
Balance: Choke status effect now deals 10 wind damage instead of 20.
Bug Fix: Crash no longer happens when gorillas projectiles are still alive when gorilla is destroyed from the scene.
Bug Fix: Player no longer will get stuck inside the ground and not be able to move.
Bug Fix: During blessing choice, 2 attack speed blessings no longer can be chosen at the same time.
Bug Fix: Poison sword skill works again. Skill is still a work in progress.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where save and quit during the death animation would clear your save data.
Bug Fix: If you press refresh stock with the controller, and can't afford anything in the shop. It correctly auto-selects the End button.
Bug Fix: Attack speed blessing now can appear in the shop.
Improvement: Wind wand particle effect is not layered correctly if worn on the left hand.
Improvement: Death wand particle effect is not layered correctly if worn on the left hand.
Improvement: You can no longer pause while the player is in a death state.
Improvement: Re-named "Red Rogue Set +1" to "Rogue Set".
Improvement: Re-named Ice sword re-named to Frost Sword.
Improvement: Moved the stats upgrade into its own page in the upgrade menu.
Improvement: Changed "Special" to "Map" upgrade menu name.
Improvement: Re-named "luck" to "speech" upgrade.
Improvement: Improved wind wand skill icon.
Sound: Added a lot of gorilla voice sound effects.
Sound: Added parry sound effect.
Sound: Added spike shield skill sound.
Sound: New Death and respawn sounds.
Sound: Map UI button press on fight plays different sound.
Sound: Lightning weapon ambience loop fixed.
Sound: Tweaked background ambience ducking.
Patch 31
New Weapon: Wind Dagger with skill Wind Grinder. New Upgrade: Shop upgrade (4/4) 20% discount button added. New Blessing: Attack Speed Increased. Bug Fix: Earth sword now will again appear in the drops and in the shop. Bug Fix: Earth Wand now will drop again from normal enemies. Bug Fix: Two of the same items will no longer be shown in the shop next to each other. Bug Fix: Fixed a crash that happened when there were specific player projectiles still existing after the fight ended. (aka Crispy Crash) Bug Fix: Current difficulty is displayed correctly next player health again. Bug Fix: Difficulty animation increase speed no longer affects certain animations, like stuns, death, tired, phase 2 transformation. Balance: Poison dagger, poison cloud now deals damage if enemy stays in it. Balance: Shop upgrade 3 now costs 60 fungi instead of 70. Balance: Forest skeleton poison cloud, now deals damage if you stand in it. Poison effect lasts half as long 10sec -> 5sec. Balance: Dash length extended by 10%. Improvement: When goblins die while drinking potion, the potion disappears correctly now. Improvement: Knight Body, hands, leggings and feet armor art updated. Improvement: Thebee dialogue text box in the main hub has been centered correctly. Improvement: New Mouse 4 icon. Improvement: Female character has less muscles. Improvement: New skill icon on wind sword. Improvement: When a player dies the weapon light disappears. Improvement: When a Forest skeleton dies, its eyes disappear correctly. Other: Updated credits.
Patch 30
New Weapon: Wind Sword with new skill Wind Blast.
New Weapon: Fire Dagger with Fire Bomb skill, that was used on a fire wand. Reduced skill damage, but also reduced mana cost.
New Skill: Fire Wand has the new skill "Meteor Shower".
New Blessing: Consecutive Attacks.
Balance: Small Stats Boost blessing increases stats now by 7% instead of 5%.
Balance: Defender Blessing damage reduction is now 30% instead of 20%.
Balance: Death Dagger skill damage reduced from 25-17 to 22-23. Death Dagger Skill cooldown, increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
Balance: Lightning Dagger skill cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
Bug Fix: If a player is stunned during attacking in air, the trail on attack is now disabled correctly.
Bug Fix: Concurrent Skill Power Exception.
Improvement: Added ability to hide beards when wearing certain helmets.
Improvement: New Wind Wand weapon particle effect that looks more like wind.
Improvement: Knight helmet and Knight body armor new art.
Improvement: Pressing Mouse Back button now works in menus just like it does with controllers.
Improvement: Added button prompts in the equipment and inventory menu for the back button.
Improvement: Menu back button (Mouse Back and Controller B) now works in the map menu. Added button prompt for it.
Improvement: Menu back button (Mouse Back and Controller B) now works in the upgrade menu. Added button prompt for it.
Patch 29
New Skill: Ice sword has new skill "Freezing Gust"
New Art: New Guard Set Art that replaced basic Knight Set Art.
Bug Fix: Heartbeat sound is played now correctly and doesn't stack up if going between different scenes.
Balance: Poison Wand Skill Damage increased from 15-17 to 23-25.
Balance: Torch Skill Damage increased from 14-15 to 16-17.
Balance: Iron Sword Skill Damage increased from 27-30 to 30-34.
Balance: Iron Rapier Skill Damage increased from 26-30 to 29-35.
Balance: Iron Dagger Skill Damage increased from 24-25 to 30-32.
Improvement: Added confirm button prompt under the text boxes.
Improvement: Moved text box and button prompts for a bunch of cutscenes into better locations.
Improvement: In the Upgrade Menu, changed "Unlock Health Potion" to "Start with Health Potion" upgrade to make it more clear, the potions are reusable. Same change was done for the mana potion.
Improvement: In the Upgrade Menu, right click no longer adds to current upgrade.
Improvement: Game logo in Credits corrected.
Improvement: Thebee decoration art improved to a new art style.
Improvement: Iron rapier now looks correctly in hand.
Improvement: Lightning sword now looks correctly in hand.
Patch 28
New Weapon: Death Dagger with new skill Death Fade.
New Feature: Added new wind status effect "Choke".
Bug Fix: Game no longer crashes when you apply status effect on target dummy.
Bug Fix: Same blessing should no longer appear in blessing choice list twice.
Bug Fix: Discount Blessing should appear in blessings lists again.
Balance/Bug Fix: Bleed status effect was doing 40 damage instead of 50.
Balance: Wind Wands projectiles now apply Choke.
Balance: Wind Wand skill projectile damage reduced from 18-19 to 16-17.
Balance: Wind Wand projectile damage reduced from 13-14 to 10-11.
Sound: No potion sound added.
Sound: When you get blessed, blessing sound is playing.
Sound: When you get cursed, cursed sound is playing.
Sound: Heartbeat sound played when low health.
Sound: New wooden dagger attack/hit sound.
Sound: Berserk skill sound effect added.
Sound: Death sword skill cast sound added.
Sound: Defender skill sound added.
Sound: Ice Sword skill sound added.
Sound: Freeze Status Effect, Freezing and Unfreezing sound added.
Sound: Poison Sword skill sound added.
Sound: Poison Wand skill sound added.
Sound: Fire Torch skill sound added.
Sound: Wind Wand skill sound added.
Improvement: Re-named forest map to "Waywood Forest".
Improvement: Earth and Wooden dagger positions in hand improved.
Improvement: Background grass is not as much affected by the wind.
Improvement: Leafs on player and enemy layer are now affected correctly by the light.
Improvement: If the choice is always between same same blessings (3 or less blessings), such as choosing between health, mana stamina, or health mana potions, blessings will always be in the same order.
Improvement: Change map generation. 3rd node before end now has a chance for "?" and first chest appears 1 node sooner.
Improvement: Death Wand updated particle and lightning and icon.
Patch 27
New Weapon: Bleed Dagger with new skill Dagger Throw.
New Feature: 5th character customization option.
New Feature: Can now pause game during fights and most cutscenes.
Balance: Maps are now longer by 1 layer.
Balance: Lightning, Light and Death swords are now scaling based on STR not INT.
Balance: Wooden Wand damage increased from 13-15 to 15-16.
Balance: Fire wand skill damage decreased from 40-41 to 37-38, apply fire decreased from 40% to 35% and skill mana increased from 17 to 20.
Balance: Death wand skill darkness status apply increased from 30% to 35%.
Balance: Skull gorillas explosive rocks have now smaller collider.
Balance: Skull gorillas arms now how bigger colliders.
Balance: Parry skills are more reliable now on higher enemy animation speed.
Bug Fix: In character creation menu, if you begin journey, randomise button now is behind the fade out.
Bug Fix: "Right Ctrl", "Control", "Left Ctrl", "Right Ctrl", "Right Shift" and "Left Shift" keys are now shown correctly on button prompts.
Bug Fix: In character creator, now inner eye is white by default, instead of the default skin color.
Bug Fix: Clicking save file in main menu multiple times, loads same save file multiple times.
Bug Fix: Clicking begin journey in character creator multiple times, loads same save file multiple times.
Improvement: Character Customisation Randomise no longer shows specific hair styles for female/male. Also the hair colors are more realistic when it randoms them.
Improvement: Potion Seller now had face and hair and is using new art style.
Improvement: Tutorial ground button art changed.
Improvement: New pillar art, used in tutorial scene and darkness or light scene.
Improvement: New carpet art in the dark or light scene.
Improvement: Updated bonfire particle and fire wood art.
Improvement: Updated the art of the box that player is sitting at in the bonfire scene.
Other: Added "CodeRadGames" Company logo when opening game.
Other: Map path is now saved in the save file. This will allow for different maps to be selected in map menu in the future.
Other: Linux Build
Patch 26
Character Customization Options (4/5) (5th set is duplicate of 4th, until I get the art)
New Weapon: Lightning dagger with skill Lightning Step.
New Feature: Added Randomise button to the character creator.
Balance: Earth Sword skill mana cost reduced from 20 to 15.
Balance: Difficulty increase of damage and speed now is exponentially decaying. Enemy Speed is now capped at 200%, and fungi reward is capped at 100. Damage increase is uncapped.
Bug Fix: If player is stun shield and got hit, now it is pushed away correctly.
Bug Fix: If holding "A" button with controller on upgrade menu, it adds the fungi just like with mouse and keyboard controls.
Improvement: Added ability to select from exisiting difficulties. Already completed difficulties give substentially less rewards.
Improvement: When selecting a map now showing difficultyies enemy damage and enemy speed.
Improvement: Moved weapon positions in hand slightly.
Improvement: Added new hands mask, they work really well if you are not wearing gloves. The gloves won't look correct until new hand armor is drawn.
Improvement: Defender blessing wording slightly changed and formatted.
Improvement: Berserk blessing particle on player and enemy is less visable.
Improvement: Added purple light to void pursuit skill.
Improvement: Added light to the lightning strikes skill/blessing.