SurrounDead cover
SurrounDead screenshot
Genre: Shooter, Adventure, Indie


Patch 1.0.7b - Wheels Up - Hotfix 2

Vehicle Wipe

To fix issues with vehicle spawning, all vehicles will be wiped at the start of an already saved game

* Improvements to hit collision area
* Reduced damage to vehicles
* Flip vehicle control input added to controls page
* Airdrop loot improved
* Re-added slow down time (experimental) game option
* Increased 762 rounds spawn chance
* Airdrop smoke is now red

* Fix for vehicle refuelling/repairing UI staying on screen
* Fix for vehicle spawns
* Fix for buildables UI showing up far away from player
* Additional check for codes, so codes get generated

New Unstable Build in BETAs Tab

Unstable Build Added
From now on for big updated that add important content, like what vehicles did. I will be using the unstable build to make sure there are no large issues. Please use this and report either on steam discussions or the discord, issues you have.

1.0.7b - Wheels Up Hotfix (UNSTABLE BUILD)

* Fix for vehicle refuelling/repairing UI staying on screen
* Fix for vehicle spawns
* Fixes for issues with loading game

Thank you!

Patch 1.0.7 - Wheels Up - Hotfix

* Reduced damage that vehicles take
* AI hearing vehicles reduced
* Vehicle spawns reduced
* Added a check to loading game, please report any further issues, like the last issue that happened

* Fix for flashlights staying on when in vehicle
* More checks for refuelling/repairing UI stay on screen, this should hopefully fix this issue
* Fix for AI multiplying on relog
* Improvements to collision on bridges, should fix bump issue

Patch 1.0.7 - Wheels Up - Vehicles First Pass

This update features the first pass on vehicles. Expect issues and report any problems you have with them.


* Driving
* Fuel & Health system
* Random fuel and health condition
* Collide with AI
* More to come such as; Storage trunk, AI attack and swarm vehicles, new vehicle sounds and stats etc

* New item: Vehicle repair kit, found in world and crafted at crafting stations
* Press F5 to save the game
* Base building section added to tutorial


* Day length increased (24 minutes day, 12 minutes night)
* Small ramps at bunker entrances
* In melee, stamina prompt if you don't have enough stamina
* Hunting hatchet nerfed
* Improved night, offset moon so that there is always moon light when it gets dark
* Cloud shadows not as dark
* Small adjustments to bunker keypad UI
* Increased water spawns
* Reduced lamp brightness
* Increased ammo spawn in ammo containers, airdrops and military containers
* Changed save loading system, if more issues arise after update, this will get reverted
* Removed 'Opening inventory slows down time' gameplay option


* Night vision gets disabled on death
* Fix for vendors spawning on top of each other after relog
* Ramps at bunker entrances to solve collision issues
* Possible fix for mouse cursor not showing on bunker code UI and keypad UI staying on screen
* Ai hearing fixed
* Steyr Aug drum mag position
* Fix for AI unable to move in bunkers
* Fix for unable to fire crosshair staying on screen
* Lamps should no longer light through other floors
* Deer now have ragdoll on death
* Fixed exploit with toggle sprinting to get unlimited sprint

Patch 1.0.6c - Foundation

* Removed cutting down trees and mining boulders, this has been replaced with a new system for harvesting wood and stone. (shown in tutorial near the end)

* Zombie, civilian and animal footstep noise increased
* Reduced volume of weather on main menu
* Vector mags spawn chance increased
* Reduced possibility of rain

* You can no longer sell money to a vendor
* Actual fix for multiple aircrafts spawning and spawning airdrops like crazy (same fix applies to sirens and jets)
* Zombies not moving in bunkers
* Crafting tables, lamps, etc (not containers) despawning after moving quite a distance away from them
* Fix at a bunker where you could fall through the ground

Patch 1.0.6b - Foundation

Reverted last build due to issues with the container changes made.

* New item: Rags, like bandages but not as useful, crafted with cloth
* More animal spawns

* Buildables will now stop AI from spawning
* Sun and moon position
* You can now exit inventory by pressing the PauseMenu key
* Removed log/boulder that spawns after harvesting wood/stone materials, due to confusion with this system

* Fixed period of pitch black night around 1930 in game time
* Fix for GPS being completely white when first opening game
* Fixes to levelling component giving wrong level/xp
* Fix for buildables still being present even after deleting save
* Possible fix for pickup UI staying on screen
* Possible fix for interacting with locked containers
* Fix for weapon chambering when equipping weapon
* Removed a part of the airdrop system that may of been causing airdrop planes to spawn like crazy

Patch 1.0.6 - Foundation

* New item: Rags, like bandages but not as useful, crafted with cloth
* More animal spawns

* Buildables will now stop AI from spawning
* Sun and moon position
* You can no longer put containers (secure and miltary container) or backpacks in the secure /military container
* You can now exit inventory by pressing the Pause Menu key

* Fixed period of pitch black night around 1930 in game time
* Fix for GPS being completely white when first opening game
* Fixes to levelling component giving wrong level/xp
* Fix for buildables still being present even after deleting save
* Possible fix for pickup UI staying on screen
* Possible fix for interacting with locked containers

Patch 1.0.5b - Foundation - Improvements to Night life

* Improvements to night vision
* Improvements to flashlights

* Collision of building in New Richland

Patch 1.0.5 - Foundation - Bug Fixing

* Cooking & crafting bench added at The Valley Safe Zone

* Adjustments to audio to make the game hopefully louder
* Setting to enable/disable XP pop up UI
* Flashlight slightly better centred
* Increased stamina drain on rolls
* Changed sky light mode and changed night settings, this should improve visibility at night but still keep it challenging
* Time to break open an axe container reduced to 10 seconds
* Sound when player is rolling
* AI respawn after death increased to 20 minutes (5 minutes for the body to despawn and 15 minutes for respawn), this is doubled for zombies bosses and 25 minutes for animals
* Soup now quenches thirst as well
* Option to separately hide crosshair while not hiding the whole UI
* Aiming while sprinting will now cancel sprint and aim the weapon (firearm or melee)
* 'Longdown Safe Zone' renamed to 'The Valley Safe Zone'
* Improved airdrops, physics are enabled so if they hit a tree, they'll fall down to the ground

* Improvements to sidewalk collision
* Holding Ctrl when in inventory will no longer crouch the player (This will help with transferring items)
* Fix for sometimes weather and time of day not being the same on spawn after saving
* Sirens now save the time before the next time they alarm meaning when you load back into a game and there was still 5 minutes before another alarm, you'll only have to wait that 5 minutes
* Extra check added so that GPS doesn't randomly turn to a white screen on load in
* Aiming animation fix when another animation may be playing
* Improved a few spawners for AI in different locations so bad spawning will hopefully happen less frequently
* Fixed inventory items getting squashed when dragging from a backpack/container to an equipment slot
* Possible fix for tool required containers that would create 2 inventories
* Collision of AutoRepair Building

Patch 1.0.4 - Foundation - Vehicle Playground added!

* Vehicle playground, help test vehicles in their current state without causing issues with the base game

* Increased animation speed at which axe, sledgehammer and baseball bat attacks play
* Improvements to entering area UI and name changes for some areas
* Slight decrease in range zombies can attack the player
* Military respirator now protects to 99% of radiation
* Hazmat respirator now protects to 95% of radiation
* Filter mask now protects to 85% of radiation

* Fix for a special type of zombie you're not allowed to get close to
* Fix for tents deleting items on relog
* Fix for damage numbers not getting disabled