Welcome Reckoners,
Patch 11.10 brings new win conditions by increasing the late game potential of 3 star 3-cost units. We’re also reducing the power on some of the 4 and 5-cost all-stars to open up comp diversity. Finally, we’re buffing underutilized items (Shadow especially) to empower more creative itemization. Oh, and one more thing… We also fixed the Staff Drop Boom.
Patch Highlights
Despite the dark aesthetic of Reckoning, we’re letting all the traits shine!
- Abomination Monstrosity Base Health: 1000/1300/1600 ⇒ 1000/1400/1800
- Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Health per Star Level: 100/130/160 ⇒ 100/140/180
- Abomination Monstrosity Base Attack Damage: 100/130/160 ⇒ 100/150/200
- Abomination Monstrosity Bonus Attack Damage per Star Level: 10/13/16 ⇒ 10/15/20
- Cavalier Damage Reduction: 15/25/35% ⇒ 15/30/40%
- Dragonslayer Trait Dragonslayer Champion Ability Power: 30/70 ⇒ 30/80
- Dragonslayer Trait non-Dragonslayer Ability Power: 20/50 ⇒ 20/60
- Forgotten Attack Damage and Ability Power: 30/80/140 ⇒ 30/70/160
- Knight Damage Reduction: 15/40/75 ⇒ 15/40/90
- Mystic Magic Resist: 40/100/180 ⇒ 40/100/200
- Verdant Crowd Control Immunity Duration: 4/6 ⇒ 5/8 seconds
Tier 1
While not OP, Leona’s excessive tankiness can be a barrier to fun. We’re nerfing her damage reduction, but giving her some base Attack Damage to compensate.
- Aatrox Deathbringer Strike Attack Damage: 220/240/280% ⇒ 260/280/360%
- Leona Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 80
- Leona Solar Barrier Damage Reduction: 40/80/400 ⇒ 30/60/250
- Lissandra 1000 Daggers AD Reduction: 40/40/60% ⇒ 40/40/40%
- Lissandra 1000 Daggers Primary Damage: 300/400/500 ⇒ 250/300/400
- Lissandra 1000 Daggers Secondary Damage: 150/200/250 ⇒ 125/150/200
- Vayne Attack Damage: 25 ⇒ 30
- Vayne Silver Bolts Damage: 90/120/160 ⇒ 65/90/140
- Udyr Feral Instinct (Tiger stance) Attack Damage: 110/120/160% ⇒ 130/140/200%
- Warwick Infinite Duress Damage: 200/300/400 ⇒ 200/300/450
Tier 2
LeBlanc’s been shooting two chains like a rapper out of Georgia. So we’re going to nerf her two times, once in our 11.9B Patch, and another time right here. Like a reference to a below average rapper, a powerful Sett carry comp recently popped out of nowhere, so we’re intervening to remind Sett that he’s a 2-cost now.
- Brand Sear Damage: 700/900/1400 ⇒ 600/900/1500
- Hecarim Starting Mana: 0/90 ⇒ 40/90
- LeBlanc Ethereal Chain Stun Duration: 1.5/2/3 ⇒ 1.5/2/2.5 seconds
- Allies will no longer chase targets that Syndra is tossing
- Sett Haymaker Attack Damage Scaling: 160/180/220% ⇒ 160/180/200%
- Trundle Attack Speed: 0.7 ⇒ 0.8
- Trundle Mana: 0/70 ⇒ 0/60
- Viktor Siphon Power Damage: 300/500/750 ⇒ 300/500/850
- Viktor Siphon Power Shield: 150/250/375 ⇒ 150/250/425
Tier 3
Grab your reading glasses, cause this is where we go all in on creating alternative win conditions by empowering 3-cost carry compositions. Of note here is the bug fix for Nocturne that will increase the healing of our favorite jumping nightmare blender. The only 3-cost being nerfed here is Morgana, who has seen an absurd amount of play with her multiple traits and strong Crowd Control.
- Katarina Health: 650 ⇒ 700
- Katarina Sinister Blade Initial Damage: 200/250/400 ⇒ 200/250/450
- Katarina Sinister Blade Secondary Damage: 100/125/200 ⇒ 100/125/225
- Lee Sin Health: 800 ⇒ 850
- Lee Sin Cripple Damage: 200/300/650 ⇒ 250/350/750
- Lulu Whimsy Targets: 3/4/5 ⇒ 3/4/6
- Lux will no longer fail to cast her spell if her target ally was too far away. Friendship knows no bounds.
- Pantheon Aegis Assault Attack Damage Scaling: 350/400/500% ⇒ 400/450/650%
- Morgana Soul Shackles Radius: 3 ⇒ 2 Hexes
- Morgana Soul Shackles Secondary Damage: 200/300/550 ⇒ 250/300/550
- Nidalee Max Mana Buff: 0/75 ⇒ 0/60
- Nidalee Bonus Damage on next attack after dodging/critting: 100/150/300 ⇒ 100/150/375
- Nocturne Bug Fix: Nocturne’s spinning slash now correctly heals him based on how much damage he deals rather than a pre-calculated amount based on his stats (he should now heal a lot more when itemized and hitting multiple enemies)
- Nunu Max Mana Buff: 0/85 ⇒ 0/70
- Riven Health: 800 ⇒ 850
- Riven Blade of the Dawn Cast Time: 0.5 ⇒ 0.3 seconds
- Riven Blade of the Dawn Bonus Attack Damage: 80/90/100% ⇒ 90/100/130%
- Yasuo Burning Blade Strike Damage: 300/400/600 ⇒ 300/400/750
- Yasuo Burning Blade Stacking On-hit True Damage: 30/40/60 ⇒ 30/40/75
- Zyra Grasping Roots Damage: 250/350/600 ⇒ 250/350/700
Tier 4
The Aphelios changes are meant to be power neutral after the B patch nerf last week. Just make sure you’re building some crit with your swords and bows. Draven’s been looking good, while being totally okay. With a little push into the spotlight, it’s time for him to look good while also being good.
- Aphelios Bug fix: Dark Vigil can now critically strike
- Aphelios Dark Vigil Attack Damage: 160/180/220% ⇒ 140/150/180%
- Aphelios Dark Vigil Base Damage: 150/200/400 ⇒ 100/150/300
- Draven Max Mana Buff: 0/50 ⇒ 0/40
- Ivern Ability Power granted to Daisy on recasts is now a flat amount of Ability Power rather than a Percentage
- Ivern Daisy! Ability Power Bonus: 50/75/300% ⇒ 100/150/300
- Ivern’s Daisy Damage: 200/250/1000 ⇒ 250/350/1200
- Mordekaiser Max Mana Nerf: 0/60 ⇒ 0/70
- Rell Attract and Repel Stun Duration: 2/2.5/8 ⇒ 1.5/2/8 seconds
Tier 5
The Kindred changes below affect Wolf’s gameplay, and not Lamb’s Respite (Lamb’s Ability).
- Garen God-Lion’s Justice Max Health Shield: 50/50/200% ⇒ 40/50/200%
- Heimerdinger Max Mana Nerf: 0/120 ⇒ 0/140
- Heimerdinger Turret Attack Damage: 150 ⇒ 125
- Kindred, Wolf’s Damage: 300/550/9999 ⇒ 300/400/9999
- Kindred, Wolf’s Healing: 150/275/9999 ⇒ 150/200/9999
- Teemo’s Cruelty Infernal Souls Thrown: 4/6/42 ⇒ 5/6/42
I hope you still have your reading glasses around. Many Shadow items that have steep trade-offs and low play rates have been buffed. And yes, the Monstrosity can now summon Voidlings at a reduced power.
- Chalice of Power Bonus Ability Power: 30 ⇒ 25
- Chalice of Malice Bonus Ability Power: 45 ⇒ 40
- Dark Shroud of Stillness no longer affects the wearer
- Dragon’s Claw Magic Resist: 200 ⇒ 250
- Eclipse Cape Self Burn Per Second: 4% ⇒ 2.5% of max Health
- Evil Giant Slayer Renamed to Spectral Giant Slayer
- Spectral Giant Slayer Damage Penalty Below Threshold: -15% ⇒ 0%
- Frozen Dark Heart Attack Speed Slow Debuff: 50% ⇒ 35%
- Frozen Heart Attack Speed Slow Debuff: 35% ⇒ 25%
- Fallen Guardian Angel Revive Health: 80% ⇒ 70% of max Health
- Ionic Dark Spark Ally Damage: 100% ⇒ 50% of max Mana
- Ionic Dark Spark Ability Power per Cast: 5 ⇒ 10
- Locket of the Silver Lunari Bonus Resistances: 60 ⇒ 70
- Sacrificial Gauntlet REWORKED EFFECT: The holder gains 40% Critical Strike Damage, and magic and true damage from their Ability can critically strike. The first time the holder casts their Ability each combat, they gain an additional 20% Critical Strike Chance for the remainder of combat (this bonus is also applied to the first Ability cast). Each time the holder casts their Ability, they deal 15% of their maximum Health to themselves as true damage.
- Sacrificial Redemption Heal: 20% ⇒ 25% of missing Health
- Sacrificial Redemption Self Damage: 10% ⇒ 5% of current Health
- Spectral Spear of Shojin Damage Penalty: -20% ⇒ -15%
- Titan’s Resolve Attack Damage and Ability Power per Stack: 2 ⇒ 3
- Unstable Zz’Rot Portal that arise from summoned units are 50% effective
- Warmog’s Sacrificial Armor Health Loss Per Second: 100 ⇒ 60
- Zeke’s Bleak Herald Ally AS Reduction: 25% ⇒ 20%
- Zz’Rot Portal Voidspawns that arise from summoned units are 25% effective
Ranked Rewards
Ranked rewards will drop throughout the course of this patch!
- Players who reached Gold or higher at any point in the Fates set will receive the Victorious Protector to me-wow their opponents.
- Players who managed to reach Gold or higher in both halves of the set will receive the Fates-themed Triumphant Protector as well! Nicely done.
- If you made it to Gold or higher during the Festival of Beasts, then you’ll be awarded with a Protector emote to celebrate your performance during the back half of Fates. The emote will signal your success through a headdress that reflects the rank you received. Check out the challenger version below.
Bug Fixes
- Spell Crits from Jeweled Gauntlet and Assassin will continue to work even if the caster dies
- Dawnbringers will now properly die to large instances of damage even if their healing effect has yet to trigger
- Lux will no longer fail to cast her spell if her target ally was too far away
- Allies will no longer chase targets that Syndra is tossing
- Revenant “revive available” visuals are now properly removed once the revive effect has been triggered
- Rell’s spell now correctly triggers Trap Claw
- The Monstrosity no longer gains 100 bonus Health at all trait levels
- Heimerdinger turret now fires correctly in ghost armies
- Units will now more responsively recognize that Wolf has moved when he leaps to Lamb to heal her, rather than waiting for his second leap to recognize his new position
- Staff Drop boom has better sync between staff impact and damage numbers
- Fixed a bug where stacking multiple Ionic Dark Sparks only granted the AP from one Ionic Dark Spark
- Verdant no longer blocks the damage from Thresh’s ability
- Viego will no longer attempt to cast on his target if his target goes untargetable as he reaches full mana (e.g., GA or Revenant)